Swimming Pool Shock 101
In addition to regular maintenance, it is a good idea to add shock to your pool water throughout the summer months. Chlorine levels can fluctuate from day-to-day based on weather, bather load, and contaminants added to the water through swimming. “Shocking” the pool is the process of adding chlorine or non-chlorine chemicals to help raise the free chlorine to a level where contaminants can’t grow. Through testing your pool water, you can get a feel for how often and how much shock will be needed to keep your water free of contaminants and algae.
What is Pool Shock?
Pool Shock is a highly effective sanitizer used to destroy bacteria and other organic contaminants found in your pool water. Shocking the pool water helps to create a healthy swimming environment where the chemical kills harmful bacteria, aids in algae control, and keeps the pool water clear and clean. There are two basic types of pool shock.
- Chlorine shock is a fast-acting product that contains chlorine which oxidizes organic contaminants in pool water.
- Non-chlorine shock is a product that oxidizes contaminants in your pool water using a process that does not create chlorinated by-products (like chloramines).
Understand that there are different forms of chlorine and non-chlorine shock available. The type of shock needed will depend on the water chemistry and the main reason for shocking the pool.
How Often Should Pool Shock Be Used?
Most pool owners shock their pool every 1-2 weeks. There are other circumstances where you may want to shock the pool water more often.
- Opening/Closing a Pool: When a pool is first opened or being closed for colder weather, is an ideal time to shock the water to make sure the chlorine levels are adequate.
- Extreme Weather: Heavy rain, windstorms, and extremely high temperatures are all great times to utilize shock in your pool water.
- Visible Algae Growth: If your pool contains algae, shock will combat the problem quickly and efficiently. Algae is most commonly a green color but it can also be yellow, brown, black, and even pink.
- High Bather Load: Human bodies produce a lot of contaminants. Lotion, hair products, sweat, and body oils are just a few of the things human bodies can introduce to pool water.
- Smell of Chlorine/Irritated Eyes: Most people think that the smell of chlorine is a good thing — it means that the chemicals are doing their job. However, the smell of chlorine actually means there are chloramines in the water that are causing a problem.
Need Help?
If you have a question about which water care system and shock is the best for your pool, stop by our Fayetteville or Lumberton location. Take some time to check out our products, purchase chemicals for your pool/hot tub, or get a specific question answered by one of our experts. Visit us online at www.parnellpoolandspa.com or take a look at our Facebook page.
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