
Spring Maintenance For Your Pool

It’s April and things are starting to heat up — that means that it’s time to unveil your pool if you haven’t already! Your first swim of the season won’t be far behind. You want your water to be ready when you are, so here are some helpful maintenance hints as you open your pool this spring.

Cover Care

Whatever type of pool cover you have, remember to drain away as much water as you can before removing it. Then, clean your cover and let it dry completely before folding it. To fully protect it over the summer, store it in a sturdy plastic container.

Around the Edges

Give some attention to what surrounds your pool, too. Avoid shrubbery and leaves sneaking their way into the water later by trimming up greenery around the backyard now. When things really start blooming, you won’t have to worry quite as much about sweeping up or scooping petals and leaves from your pool.

A Bit More Tidying

If you’re just opening your pool, remove any winterizing elements. This means freeze plugs and any anti-freeze in plumbing lines. Similarly, you should make sure that your filters, pumps, and heaters are reconnected and working properly. Make certain there are no cracks or leaks!

Let Things Settle

When bringing your pool water back up to level with a hose, be certain to let the fresh water circulate for 48 hours before pH testing and adding any additional chemicals. This gives the water enough time to settle together, so you get an accurate reading when you do test it.

Shock Your Water

When shocking your pool’s water, remember to always wear protective eye gear. Also, unless otherwise stated in the manufacturer’s instructions, don’t add shock directly to your pool; dissolve it in water first. It’s also a good idea to retest chemical levels after you shock to make sure everything is up to par. (For shock products, we recommend using Bioguard!)

Ask For Help

If you are uncertain about anything — whether it’s opening up your pool, routine maintenance, or a repair — let us know. We offer a variety of services to help with the process of opening and pool maintenance. We’re here to help!

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Request a quote, schedule service, or just let us know what water care questions are on your mind.

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(910) 425-6138

4206 Cumberland Rd
Fayetteville, NC 28306

Mon-Fri: 9am to 6pm
Saturday: 9am to 3pm
Sunday: Closed


(910) 738-8110

1380 Linkhaw Rd
Lumberton, NC 28358

Mon-Fri: 9am to 6pm
Saturday: 9am to 3pm
Sunday: Closed

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