
How a Hot Tub Helps With Spring Allergies

The burning eyes and head congestion, the frustrating bouts of sneezing and coughing, and the seemingly inescapable drowsiness from your arsenal of medication: all of these are too familiar symptoms this time of year. But did you know your hot tub could help with spring allergies?

You’ve likely looked for alternatives for those allergy medications, or sought to supplement them to alleviate some of the tougher symptoms. But relief may be closer than you think — like a step outside into your hot tub kind of close!

The Power of Steam

Hot water helps with the impact of allergens in several ways. You might already know that washing your clothes in extremely hot water helps remove things like pollen and dander—but did you know that spending some time in your Jacuzzi® could immediately benefit your Spring symptoms? Here’s how.

The steamy hot tub water helps unclog your sinuses, both soothing the pressure in your head and allowing you to breathe. Likewise, when your nose is clear, your throat tends to feel better, helping to ease that scratchy feeling, too.

Clarify Pores

The temperature from your tub will similarly help you sweat out allergens that may be lingering inside your pores. Pollen from trees and grass are constantly being released into the air. This means they are constantly sticking to you, as well! Spending some time in your Jacuzzi will relieve the pressure in your head and leave you feeling clear after you step out.

Relax to Relieve

Stress has also been shown to heighten the impact of allergies. If you’ve been feeling the pressure lately (physically and mentally), it’s a good time to check in with yourself and take a well-deserved soak in your Jacuzzi.

So, if a mix of hay fever and medication has you in a spring daze, spend some time relaxing in the comfort of your Jacuzzi: your tub may offer the relief you need with just a simple staycation!

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(910) 425-6138

4206 Cumberland Rd
Fayetteville, NC 28306

Mon-Fri: 9am to 6pm
Saturday: 9am to 3pm
Sunday: Closed


(910) 738-8110

1380 Linkhaw Rd
Lumberton, NC 28358

Mon-Fri: 9am to 6pm
Saturday: 9am to 3pm
Sunday: Closed

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